4 Ways to Declutter Your Bedroom
Our bedroom is our safe haven and the most personal space in our home, but it is also often populated with mismatched clutter and furniture that we don’t use. When your room is cramped-up, it’s impossible to have a functional and organized space that meets both your storage and relaxation needs.
Here are some ways that could help you declutter your bedroom.
1. Keep What You Only Need.
Cleaning your room could get a bit tough especially when you have a lot of things around your place.
You have to ask yourself these questions; “does this belong in the bedroom? is this necessary for my home? am I going to use it in the next few years? do I really need it?” If you answer yes to most of these questions, then keep it. If no, put it in the declutter basket. I’m pretty sure we have a lot of things at home that we rarely use and sometimes, never use at all.
2. Group it Together.
If you plan to keep some of your things, group it together with the similar displays. If something does not work in a category that you have made, then it might be time to put it away.
3. Donate or Sell.
This is one of the best things in decluttering your bedroom. In doing either one of the two or both, you’ll still feel good about it. Check your closet if you have some clothes that you don’t use anymore, it might be time to let go of it. Donating your clothes to charity is a great idea as well.
There are a lot of sites online where you can sell your used goods such as clothing, furniture or anything that can still be used by others. They see it as a cheap and good bargain.
4. Pick the Right Furniture.
Decluttering is not just about throwing away, but it’s also making use of the furniture that you already have for multifunctioning purposes.
Comfort is a priority when it comes to our bedroom. It is important to think about the furniture you are getting. There are some of it that has multifunctional uses such as some bed frames that can be used as a regular bed and a storage space at the same time, ottomans that can be a small couch or a table with a secret storage underneath, or a sofa bed that can turn into a sofa and a bed at the same time!
That’s why you have to be wise in buying your furniture because you’ll never know what help it could do to you when the need arises.
With two drawers underneath the bed frame, the Barett Bed is perfect to save more space in your bedroom. Available here at Urban Concepts.
Try to declutter once in three or five months and see how much space you can save in your bedroom!
Contact us, check out our store or visit our physical stores in Manila near you for we can help you find the right one for your bedroom!