5 Space Saving Know-Hows that will Help Organize Your Bedroom
Often times, we find it hard to organize our bedrooms because of the busy schedules that we have; until it comes to the point where your bedroom looks more of a storage room than a bedroom itself. We all know that bedrooms are made for us to rest and relieve stress after a long day. But how do you organize your bedroom in such a way that it wouldn’t look all mustered-up? These are the top 5 space saving know-how that you can use to make your bedroom into a more conducive place to relax…
1. Know Your Furniture – Where do I put everything?
Choose pieces of furniture that has extra storage in it.
- A bed that has extra storage space on its side frame. You can put some of your things that have been lying around and needs a place to stay. Now, you wouldn’t have to get out of the bed to get the stuff you need because you can easily pull out that extra storage on the side.
- You can add shelves. Shelves are nice to look at, especially when everything on it is well organized. It’s nice to think that even if it gets a bit messy, you’ll still be able to put them back in its place.
- More often with women, clothes and shoes storage are a big problem due to impulsive buying. Adding a cabinet that would help you organize your clothes and shoes is a really big help in organizing a messy bedroom. Now it would be easier to ‘locate’ your clothes. Make sure that the cabinet you have has extra storage space so that even when you buy more clothes, you’d still be able to organize them.
2. Know What to Keep and What not to Keep – What do I have to keep?
Take time to clean your bedroom, you’ll be surprised as to how many unnecessary things have piled up during the whole course of time that you weren’t able to organize.
3. Know Your Space Limit – How much space do I have to organize all of these things?
Of course, space saving wouldn’t be “space-saving” if you do not know the limit you have. Make sure to choose pieces of furniture that will not make your bedroom look more crowded than it already is. The point of organizing your room is to help you relax no matter the space you have.
4. Know Your Style – What do I want to see inside my bedroom?
It feels great to come home to a bedroom where you like everything you see, right? Limiting your space does not limit your ideas in making your bedroom as stylish and as beautiful as it can be.
5. Know Your Comfort – What best fits the comfort that I’m looking for?
Removing the unnecessary things in your bedroom helps you feel less stressed. You get to move around freely, without hitting something. Comfort does not also mean you have to spend lavishly on the things you want to put in your bedroom to make it look and feel cozier. The best comfort should be coming home and getting that sleep you’ve been craving for the whole day. 🙂
I hope that these practical tips would help in making your bedroom as space saving as it could be. Let us also know if you have any comments and suggestions that could add to the pieces of information listed here. Happy organizing!