Furniture Types that are Perfect for Outdoors
Don’t have any plans in going on a vacation? Do you prefer to stay at home and just relax? Why not create a patio in your home where you and your family could bond together? Having outdoor pieces of furniture adds accent to your outdoor area, plus it functions great for parties and gatherings. This is perfect if you like cooking outside your home and having a barbecue together with family and friends.
Purchasing furniture for your outdoor area is the same as when you’re purchasing furniture for your home’s indoor area; you must consider the type of material being used. Here is the list of furniture types you can choose from that are perfect for outdoors.
1. Iron Furniture

A piece of furniture that is made with an iron will give you that timeless look. An iron type of furniture is sturdy, and this is perfect if you live in a place that is windy and less sunny. When it comes to the style, there are a variety of things to choose from; including the color of it. You don’t usually move this furniture around your patio because it will leave marks, that’s why plan ahead where you will place it in your home. But if you decide to move it to another place, make sure not to drag it, instead, carry it so it will not stain on the floor. Also, keep in mind that iron furniture easily gets rusty when it is not maintained with care over time, that’s why purchasing a rust proof paint for your furniture would be a good idea to cover up the rusty parts and make it look brand new again. Meanwhile, the cleaning part of iron furniture is quite easy; you just have to use a damp cloth with soap on it to remove dirt from the furniture.
2. Wood Furniture

Same as the iron furniture, you don’t usually move this around because it is heavy and it will also leave marks on the floor of your patio. Always check your wood furniture if there are any signs of rottenness; if some parts are split or have termites. Wood type of furniture is great for places that are sunny, as well as a windy place. When it comes to the style, there’s a variety of them, and you could choose whether it is a hardwood or softwood. It is also best that your wood furniture is varnished to achieve the smooth surface of the furniture and to avoid termites. In cleaning a wood type of furniture, we suggest you use a damp brush and oil based soap, then scrub away the dirt and rinse it.
3. Plastic Furniture

Plastic-type of furniture is easy when it comes to maintenance. This material does not rust and is designed to be durable as well. It is perfect for sunny places, but not in a windy area because unlike iron and wood, plastic pieces of furniture are lightweight. Plastic-type of furniture can mimic your iron or wood type of furniture, and it’s most likely to be more affordable.
If you like moving things around in your patio, this will be good for you, as it is easy to carry and move around. This type of furniture is also easy to clean, you just need a damp cloth and soap to clean the dirt from the outside and rinse it with water!
4. Fabric Furniture

Fabrics are soft and good for relaxation, and it goes well with other types of furniture such as wood. When choosing a fabric, pick the one that can stand the heat and cold. Avoid anything that could stain it! For cleaning, wash it with water and soap, then use the vacuum to dust off excess dirt from the fabric. After washing, don’t forget to place it in a sunny area, so it can dry properly and will not leave any foul odor.
We hope this article helped you in deciding which type of furniture is great for your outdoor. If you’re looking for furniture items to place in your outdoor area, you could check out our shop! Like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram. Have a relaxing staycation with your family and friends!