6 Signs You Need to Re-Decorate Your Bedroom
Whether you share the bedroom with a family member or you have it as your own personal space, it’s still a safe haven for you since it’s where you rest, unwind, and sleep. But at times, the bedroom can also look and feel crowded and disorganized, especially when you’re too busy to maintain an organized, not to mention, an aesthetically pleasing bedroom. Chances are, the same set of bedroom furniture has been in the same spot for years, and they haven’t even been rearranged. We’re all probably guilty of that one way or another. And the weird part about it is that we can also be unaware of the fact that our bedroom does need to be redecorated.
So how do you know if it’s time for some change in your bedroom? Well, we’ve got that covered because here are signs you need to get started and give your bedroom the new look it deserves:
1. Your Bedroom Doesn’t Feel Like Home Anymore
Your home, and every room in it, including your bedroom, should feel like home. So when your bedroom doesn’t spark joy or give you that sense of home, it may be time to think about doing something to take your bedroom’s look up a notch.
2. Your Bedroom is Filled With Clutter
If your bedroom is screaming for it to be decluttered, you should take it as a signal that it’s in dire need of some change. When the room is messy, disorganized, and filled with clutter, you will not only find it hard to locate your things easily, but it will also affect your health in the long run. Research even says clutter can equate to stress — this is because people who see their homes as cluttered have high levels of the stress hormone cortisol compared to people who have well-organized and clutter-free homes. In addition, it will also affect your concentration and your mind will often wander because there are a lot of things competing for your attention.
3. You Feel Like You Have Outgrown Your Bedroom Design
The style preferences you had 10 years ago may not exactly be the same today. You have to understand that as you mature, the design and theme choices you have for your bedroom will change as well — and you just simply outgrow your past preferences. For instance, when you were a kid, you enjoyed seeing lots of pink and bright colors in your room along with other princess-themed furniture and wall decorations. But when you grew older, your preferences changed. Now you want something different — less girly and more sophisticated, plus you prefer minimalist designs and neutral-colored furniture items to go with that.
4. You are Bored With the Look of Your Bedroom and Want Something New
One of the things that the pandemic and mostly staying at home have brought to many households is the opportunity to arrange and fix things at home that you were not able to do before the pandemic struck. We all somehow got into organizing our pantries more and buying new furniture online to give our house a new look. Since we were home most of the time, we easily get bored with how everything looked, so it’s only natural that we desire a bit of change — and of course, the bedroom is no exception to that.
Getting bored with how your bedroom looks is probably one of the most common reasons why people start redecorating. However, some don’t know where to start and how to do it. Fortunately, you don’t need to hire a professional just to create visual changes in your bedroom because there are ways to style your bedroom on a budget without having to break the bank. If you do think and feel bored with how it looks, then you should go right ahead with the redecorating process.
5. You Need Something to Boost Your Mood
A change of surroundings can be a huge help when you’re going through a tough time. And it’s easier to start with a place that you often stay and go to no matter what day of the week — your home, most particularly your bedroom. You may not feel like doing anything when you feel down or upset, but this may be the best time to actually do something to keep your mind off of the matter that drags your mood down. Redecorating your bedroom and perking it up may actually be a good way to boost your mood.
6. Your Bedroom Furniture is Wearing Out
Furniture is not something we choose to often change around the house. There are ways to improve old furniture — sort of a retouch, so you can still use them to match other elements in your bedroom. But that doesn’t mean they don’t incur any wear and tear in the past years. The very same bed you had 15 years ago, may still be the same bed you’re using right now. Nothing wrong with that. However, have you really stopped to check if it’s still wise to keep that old furniture? How long has it been since you last thought of buying new bedroom furniture? You hear a creaking noise at every turn you make and the bed frame itself doesn’t feel like it can hold the weight of the mattress. It compromises the rest you need. When this happens, it’s a clear sign that you should change your furniture and make it a part of your redecorating project.
Redecorating your bedroom doesn’t have to be all too expensive because there are a lot of quality furniture items out there that are budget-friendly and DIY tools to help you in the process of giving your bedroom a fresh appearance. Given the signs that we’ve listed above, we’ll leave you with a real and practical question to ponder upon: When was the last time you took a proper look at your bedroom and redecorated it? Now may be the time to start!
If you are looking for a piece of bedroom furniture, visit our page. We have a variety of furniture items for you!
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